You may wish to set your own text for the buttons in the TableTools toolbar, rather than relying on the default built-in text. This is done by overriding the sButtonText parameter of whatever button you wish to alter. The way TableTools allows you to alter a predefined button is by 'extending' it (using the sExtends parameter) and then setting the overriding parameter. A full list of the parameters which can be used is available on the web-site. This example shows how to set the button text as required.
Rendering engine | Browser | Platform(s) | Engine version | CSS grade |
Rendering engine | Browser | Platform(s) | Engine version | CSS grade |
Gecko | Firefox 1.5 | Win 98+ / OSX.2+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Firefox 2.0 | Win 98+ / OSX.2+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Firefox 3.0 | Win 2k+ / OSX.3+ | 1.9 | A |
Gecko | Camino 1.0 | OSX.2+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Camino 1.5 | OSX.3+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Netscape 7.2 | Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2 | 1.7 | A |
Gecko | Netscape Browser 8 | Win 98SE+ | 1.7 | A |
Gecko | Netscape Navigator 9 | Win 98+ / OSX.2+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Mozilla 1.0 | Win 95+ / OSX.1+ | 1 | A |
Gecko | Mozilla 1.1 | Win 95+ / OSX.1+ | 1.1 | A |
$(document).ready( function () { $('#example').dataTable( { "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip', "oTableTools": { "aButtons": [ { "sExtends": "copy", "sButtonText": "Copy to clipboard" }, { "sExtends": "csv", "sButtonText": "Save to CSV" }, { "sExtends": "xls", "sButtonText": "Save for Excel" } ] } } ); } );